As you start to walk on the way the way appears

Etiket: No encounter is by chance (page 1 of 1)

The philosophy of water

sufism hakan menguc

The philosophy of water …

“Then let me tell you the answer,” I replied and revealed it with a little story:

The nature of water manifests a philosophy. Think about water coming down from a mountain. It takes the path of least resistance. If there is a rock in the way, the water will not struggle with it. It continues to flow around that rock instead. Inspired by this phenomenon of nature, Sufis say, “Do not deal with anyone who would obstruct your path. If you do, you will be stuck at the same place. Find another way to reach your destination.”

Let’s presume that after coming down from the mountain, the water comes to a path that does not allow for it to go around the rock. In this case, the water accumulates and crosses over; or it gradually builds up its pressure, weakens the rock mass, and breaks down the rock. The nature of water shows that even what seems impossible can be achieved, and this requires patience and perserverance.

After the water goes through the rock, it continues on its course again. It is cleaned as it flows further. Occasionally, we see puddles form on the streamside. Water that does not flow becomes cloudy and muddy. That’s why Sufis say, “You must flow like water. You should renew and start your day with a clean slate. Do not fall into the same routine and do not think about the past. Move on, keep flowing and learning new things today.”

Water is not afraid of changes. It can tell you how changes come in many beautiful forms. It transforms into rain, snow, ice, and steam. Then the steam rises into the sky, and descends to the ground again as rain.

Water is adaptable; it has no definite shape. When you put water into a container, it turns into the shape of whatever it occupies. Even though it constantly adapts, its nature never changes. Those who are in harmony with nature always survive because they go with the flow which enhances their potential to grow. Being flexible means less likely to break when strong forces are encountered. Those who resist change are like stiff trees that do not bend with the wind when the storms beat down on them. On the other hand, palm trees, seedlings, and grass survive the storm because they bend in the wind.

Water becomes a stream and all streams eventually split into a number of streamlets and flow into the sea. This analogy means doing your best when life breaks you into pieces. We should learn to accept ourselves at all stages in life. Even if we are in pieces, ultimately we will find a way to be whole again as long as we are like water. As they say, “Water flows and finds its own way.” If you live like water, you will flow and find your way. The pattern of water is the pattern of life.

“This is why Sufis repeat this quote to each other, ‘Be like the water, my friend.’”

(from Hakan Mengüç // No Encounter is By Chance)

A Story about value

A Story about value

A professor at the university wrote a big “1” on the blackboard. Then he turned to his students and said, “Look, this means ‘personality’, a ‘character’. It is the most valuable thing you have in life.” Then he put a “0” on the right of the “1”. “This means ‘success’. What makes ‘1’ a ‘10’ is by having ‘success’ by its side.” He added another “0” to the right of the “10” and showed the students the number “100” and said, “This means ‘experience’.” Another “0” was added next to the number “100” making the number “1000” and he told the students it meant “talent”. Then the professor spoke of discipline, conscience, and tolerance as he added more zeros to the right of the numbers on the blackboard. “An infinite amount of zeros can be added.” he said. “It is your choice.”

He emphasized how the zeros enriched the “character”. Then he did something unexpected. Going back to the starting point, he erased the first number of “1” and said to his students, “If you don’t have a character, all you would get is zeros. And no matter how many zeros you get, without a number in front of them, they would never be a number bigger than zero. Those who do not have a personality or a character, no matter how talented and knowledgeable they are, all they will have is a huge pile of zeroes.

This philosophy played a huge role in my life. I have seen knowledgeable, talented, and successful people that have no personality. The people who have a unique personality really add value to themselves. Even if they are not as successful as others, their great personality is their strongest advantage.

(from Hakan Mengüç // No Encounter is By Chance)

5 sufi principles

5 Sufi Principles

1. No encounter is by chance in this world that is full of great adventures. Everyone we meet teaches us something.

2. If you start with a pure intent to understand and learn, if you put down your arrogance, you will surely be ready when you encounter wise people who will teach you what you need to know.

3. Each journey has its own challenges. However, the difficulties and obstacles waiting ahead are not designed to weaken you. Their purpose is to educate and mature you.

4. Every living creature, every human being comes to this world with a purpose. Everyone discovers their own purpose as they live through each day. Therefore, when one learns to read and follow the signs, it will lead them to their goal. Reading life begins with knowing the first word of the Qur’an: Read!*

5. Never forget this…completion is not extinction. On the contrary, even death is not an end but a new beginning. The end of something in life is always conducive to the beginning of something better. As long as you go with the flow and stay calm.*

* The first word revealed from Allah upon the Prophet PBUH was Iqra› /Read

  • From Hakan Menguc’s book “No encounter by chance”

No encounter is by chance.

No encounter is by chance

Fate does not give up on people. We are the decision-makers, the ones who shape our own fate. As one looks back, they may notice experiences where they do things they thought they would never do, put up with things they said they would never tolerate, or even fall in love with someone they thought they would never love. We might have been in situations where we thought we could not leave, but instead were able to walk away from; we might have days we felt like dying but still lived through that day and into the next. With every challenge overcome, we come closer to understanding our inner self.

The encounters you run into are the weavers of your fate. Some people may come into your life unexpectedly while others drift away. One minute you wonder “What is this about?”, and the next minute you find yourself in a perfect story.

You are a passenger in your own story. Everywhere you go and everyone you love is a part of you. In other words, with every aspect in life, you can discover another piece of yourself. You may come to realise that this road is full of challenges.; however, all these obstacles in life actually serves you. In this universe, not a single leaf moves without a reason, even the wind has something to whisper. As long as your heart is willing to stay awake and receptive, you will never cease to grow. Don’t ever think “I am perfect” at any moment because that prevents you from improving. Living is about learning and adapting. To say “I am perfect” would also mean that “There’s nothing for me to live for”.

Hakan Menguc